To create canvasses, an Administrator needs to be a "Data Manager" for the campaign. It is necessary to create a campaign's Surveys, Non-response Sets and Groups before creating canvass activities. To create a canvass, click on a campaign's "CANVASS" on the Campaign where you want add the canvass.
Click on "CANVASS"
Click on "Create New Canvass Activity."
The form to "Create a Canvass Activity" will open. Use this form to:
Name the activity, give it a description, select the Groups, NonResponse Set, Survey, Users, Organizations, script link and then save the canvass.
If you have not created at least one Group, survey and NonResponse set, you will be reminded that those need to be created before creating the activity. On the form, next to the reminder "All Activities require a Survey, NonResponse Set and Group."
Once Saved, the Name and Description will show up here on the activity:
Add the Surveys, Groups and Nonresponse Sets
Assign the Users and Organizations who will be canvassing.
Select if you want to survey people individually or group them by household.
The click "SAVE."
People can start canvassing as soon as it is finished processing. If it says "Processing" for more than 30 seconds, refresh the browser.
For instructions on canvassing click here.